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Veiko-Huuse-Haelth-is wealth-leadership-coatching

Leadership coaching

Your life is your ship and you are the captain of your ship. Lead your ship wisely.


Artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies are increasingly used in industry and information technology. Introducing new business opportunities in the financial world where Artificial Intelligence can safely earn a higher return on your investment.
Veiko Huuse International speaker of artificcial intelligence and blockchain technology
Etrepreneur Veiko Huuse digin


Let’s talk about things as they are and as simply as possible. Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Money, Robotics, E-State, E-Resident, E-Vote, E-Commerce.

Business Coach

The only thing what we can not buy for the money, is the time.
The only thing what the other people can not take away from you is your name.
The most expensive thing in the world is loyalty.
The only thing about what we live is happiness.
Veiko Huuse stage speaker coach megasuccess


There are 2 billion people in the world without a bank account. 98% of the world’s population has an education that prevents them from becoming successful and wealthy. My mission is to help, educate and offer them alternative solutions.

Health is wealth

In addition to a healthy diet, you also need to exercise. You can see the results immediately if you remove sugar, fried foods and alcohol from your menu, and walking 10,000 steps every day. Healthy lifestyle training.

Creator of a new society

I, the Creator Veiko Huuse, announce the formation of an Estonian commune which is sovereign, self-sufficient, and which values the people and nature of this land.

These three activities are key to success:




"Let's make it easy. Very easy." Veiko Huuse

Veiko Huuse-courage action trust